Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20

fun pushup sets and running
I have been doing fun push up sets - all you need is the curb on the street
I do a set of incline 25 this week - I would like to see if I could get to 50
Then I go for my run
When I get back as I am cooling down I get parrallel to the street - one hand on the curb and one hand on the street and do what seem like lopsided pushups 0 I then go to the other side of the street and repeat -
The final set in a decline set
Then I do 8MA and am done

Good stuff

Go Team GO!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Aug 17th

Back in the saddle
WHEW - after a summer of traveling I got back....and was heavier and more tired

I decided to jump back into pcp mode.

I started on week 30 something and put the clear sheet on the fridge - bang! Away I go.

Working out is a little less maniacal than before. I am happy to say that my body is responding beautifully.

go team go!