Friday, April 9, 2010

Hawthorne effect

The Hawthorne effect states that people perform better under observation. One key component to this is variety. I am getting a sizable boost from this. The changes in diet and workout keep me on my toes and paying attention. Then, this is where it picks up speed, when I observe new outcomes and behaviors I get a quantum push from the universe to keep dialing in my attention. This velocital element is kicking in right now.

I like Star Trek and I feel like I in the transporter beam. I am neither where I was and nor where I am going to be. We are approaching the mid point of the trip and I am so happy with the process. Today I am willing and excited to follow the directions and marvel at the results. That willingness is HUGE for me. A KSF (Key Success Factor)

The last 24 hours have been strange. Yesterday I got in a minimal workout (jumps and abs) and then went to what I knew was going to be a long day. It turned out that I missed the afternoon tea altogether (planning better would have helped) and today I was getting my blood work done and had to have a very late breakfast so I am not getting the mid morning snack. I ate a great breakfast and have a superior lunch planned. So in short order I missed two feedings and part of a workout. For much of my life I have had all or nothing tendencies. Either I was doing things perfectly or I would get very discouraged (and often quit). What a feeling of strength to look at the last hours as part of the whole. To feel great about the process and to lock in on the Day that I have in front of me.

This is a long sought after alignment of my emotional, physical, and spiritual lives. This synergy feels quite powerful both in its newness and its potential.

Go Team Go!


  1. The beauty of the PCP is that it works the mind, body, & spirit.

  2. Right, you won't make any significant changes without the body and mind in the game.
